Eric Swalwell Has The Perfect Response To Greg Abbott’s Shameful Christmas Abandonment Of Migrants In Washington. D.C.

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Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) delivered the perfect rebuke of Gov. Greg Abbott after he abandoned busloads of migrants in freezing Washington, D.C., over Christmas.

According to ABC 7 in Washington, D.C.:

The Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network was there to take all three busloads of people to a church to help provide them with necessary resources and welcome them to our area.

“This is a welcome effort that we’ve been doing since the first bus arrived,” said Amy Fischer, a core organizer with the Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network. “D.C. just continues to show up as a welcoming city that is always ready and willing to open their arms to welcome people, whether it’s Christmas Eve, whether it’s 9 degrees outside or 90 degrees outside.”

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Three busloads of migrants were abandoned in the nation’s capitol over the Christmas holiday without adequate food or winter clothes. The migrants have no money and nowhere to go. Thankfully, aid workers were on the scene to help them.

Rep. Eric Swalwell tweeted in response to Abbott’s actions:

Guess we know how Greg Abbott, a “practicing” Roman Catholic, would have treated Jesus, Mary & Joseph.

— Eric Swalwell (@ericswalwell) December 25, 2022

The next time Republicans try to tell the rest of us what great Christians they are remember that this is how they treat human beings on Christmas.

Greg Abbott is using migrants as a political prop because he wants to run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, but if this is the way that he treats the most vulnerable who arrive in our nation, imagine how he would treat the rest of us if he were in the Oval Office.

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