McCarthy Gained GOP Speaker Votes By Promising To Try To Trash The Economy

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Kevin McCarthy promised that he would tie spending cuts to any deal to lift the debt ceiling, which means that he put the country on course for a possible economy-trashing default.

CNN’s Manu Raju tweeted:

Perry told me: “We don’t want clean debt ceilings to just go through and just keep paying the bill without some counteractive effort to control spending.”

The deal also includes language to curb domestic spending at fiscal ‘22 levels — prompting major concern from defense hawks.

— Manu Raju (@mkraju) January 6, 2023

Kevin McCarthy set the stage for an economic crisis, and he still did not get enough votes to be elected speaker. Republicans are giddy because they flipped 14 votes to McCarthy’s column, but that is still not enough.

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Rep. McCarthy isn’t ending a crisis with these negotiations and votes. He is setting the stage for a more severe situation that could harm the entire nation.

McCarthy doesn’t have the power to impose spending cuts. Any increase in the debt ceiling has to also go through the Senate and be signed by President Biden. If House Republicans think for one second that Democrats are going to be ransomed by the same crew that can’t get it together to elect a speaker, they are going to be very disappointed.

Kevin McCarthy may view this as a victory, but it is a looming problem for the rest of the nation.

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