Roofing Industry Leader Trenton Wisecup Shares His Top 5 Tools for Success In the Trades

Trenton Wisecup is breaking the mold in an industry that can be hesitant to embrace change. Wisecup has led the growth of his company, Arrow Roofing Services, to become a top Michigan roofing agency with a projected gross revenue of USD 20 Million next year. Read on to gain insights that propel your own success, regardless of your trade.


From starting his own company at 21 to winning nationally-recognized roofing and sales awards, Trenton Wisecup is leading the charge for a new generation of tradespeople. After combining keen entrepreneurial foresight and unparalleled workmanship to craft his own achievement, Wisecup has turned his attention to coaching other roofers on how to reach his heights. Leading from a firm belief that a rising tide lifts all boats, Wisecup is eager to consult other teams on taking full advantage of the systems, market, and ability at their disposal. 

  • Strive for Clarity 

Within roofing and across trade industries, businesses often focus on craftsmanship rather than creating seamless administrative systems for their client and recruitment processes. While high-quality work is essential for longevity in any trade, smooth and easy to navigate protocols separate the ultra-successful from the average.

Speaking to common roadblocks he often encounters whilst consulting for other roofers, Wisecup notes “[There’s] no standard operating procedures. So there’s no funnel, no process, no scripting.” Having organized contracts, data, and client onboarding protocols alleviates potential headaches for business owners at every step of the supply chain. “The more clear you can be with what you’re providing or presenting, the more effective it’s going to be.”

Wisecup aptly states: “Clarity is intoxicating for representatives and for consumers.” When the back-end of your business is regulated and standardized, you can focus on the exceptional product that makes your company unique.

  • Invest in Community Engagement

Wisecup is a firm believer in the power of classic canvas marketing. “Door to door is the best marketing in the world. We can actually take the money, spend it on people, and go meet the market where they’re at.” While many businesses have shifted the majority of their marketing endeavors within digital spaces to reach as broad an audience as possible, Wisecup and Arrow Roofing are proof that customer facetime is invaluable. 

“Instead of using a billboard or running an ad, you can swag out the [representatives], incentivize the team. You can take all that marketing money and put it into people, and they’re going to go get a return.” Wisecup’s proficiency at assessing a customer’s needs and interests have won his team national awards, including “The National Knocking League” at Door2Door Convention.

Trust is the basis of a fortified relationship between any tradesperson and their clientele, and creating rapport and a sense of integrity within the community you provide business to is worth much more than any billboard.

  • Anticipate and Adapt to Market Demands

While tradespeople often have a high degree of job security due to the necessary nature of the work, Wisecup contends that shifting the scope and scale of your business in anticipation of your market’s needs is crucial. In roofing, that can look like focusing on an aspect of the industry like storm relief, as Arrow Roofing has done. This decision has been paramount in achieving stunning revenue.

According to Wisecup, finding your “recession-proof industry” is central to the sustainability of a business when markets aren’t cooperating in your favor. In other words, hesitate from being fully reliant on consumers. “The consumer credit debt, the defaults that are taking place in mortgages, how the commercial real estate market is crashing- the small banks are feeling more pressure than they ever have,” Wisecup says of Arrow’s decision to focus on storm relief.

It’s entirely unadvisable to “not have awareness of what’s taking place in the bigger picture. As leaders, we’re responsible to telegraph as best we can to protect our team, representatives, and organization.”

  • Set Realistic Client Expectations

While promising consumers the world at the outset of a relationship may draw customers quickly, you are bound to lose them just as fast if you’re unable to deliver on that claim. Wisecup contends managing client assumptions leads to longer-lasting relationships and protects the integrity of your business.

In the roofing industry, that often looks like being pragmatic about what clients should expect from their insurance adjuster. Wisecup emphasizes that a pillar of Arrow Roofing’s success has come from “setting expectations appropriately with the customer. So we don’t guarantee anything,” in terms of what insurance will respond with. “It’s completely non-abrasive. People trust their insurance company. Building my trust alongside them and building that brand which ties in with theirs, that’s a long term play.”

When there are aspects of your industry that aren’t under your complete control, being practical about potential results alleviates consumer disappointment from falling squarely on your organization.

  • Choose “Pain of Growth” Over “Pain of Complacency”

“Roofers hate change.” As in many industries, the veterans of the trade are often averse and skeptical to adopt new business methodologies. Wisecup encourages his peers to adopt a growth mindset, or risk uncomfortable stagnancy.

When we think about taking a new step for the sake of company growth in an area we haven’t experienced, “our defense mechanisms will stop us from being objective in our entrepreneurial and leadership optic” says Wisecup. “Anxiety overrides. So that pain [of growth] looks worse to them than the pain that they’re experiencing from their business right now.” 

This stage is when Wisecup steps in with the consulting flair that’s become synonymous with his brand. Wisecup offers roofers looking to elevate their business “the systems, the standard operating procedures, training, the contracts, everything.” By sharing the processes that brought clarity and expansion to Arrow Roofing, Wisecup sets a firm foundation of growth for those he coaches. 

Wisecup similarly extends leadership and culture mentorship, borne from a fervent desire to lift up others in his industry. “I want to help people. I want to bring so much more value to the roofers.

To learn more about Arrow Roofing, head to their website. To contact Trenton Wisecup and begin your consulting journey today, contact through his Instagram.


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