After Report Of Trump Taped Confession 2 Of His Defense Lawyers Quit

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Less than a day after Trump was criminally indicted for violations of the Espionage Act, two of his defense lawyers resigned and walked away.

Reuters reported:

The surprise announcement by Trump’s lawyers John Rowley and Jim Trusty could prompt further legal complications ahead of Trump’s scheduled appearance in federal court in Miami on Tuesday in the documents case.

“This morning we tendered our resignations as counsel to President Trump,” the two lawyers said in a statement. “It has been an honor to have spent the last year defending him, and we know he will be vindicated.”

It is probably not a coincidence that two of Trump’s defense lawyers quit after he was indicted for potential violations of the Espionage Act. It is telling that the resignation of the attorneys was announced after a report surfaced that prosecutors have Trump on tape confessing that he did not declassify the documents, and he was showing documents to another person.

Trump is an infamous nightmare of a client who doesn’t listen to or pay his attorneys. Being Trump’s lawyer also comes with its own risk of legal jeopardy. Anyone who chooses to represent Trump in this case could be facing an uphill legal battle with a client who won’t listen to advice from counsel.

It looks like Trump’s lawyers are fleeing the sinking ship.

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