Prepare yourselves, because Warbringer is set to record the follow-up to 2020’s Weapons Of Tomorrow this spring! No word on if it’ll be out this year or not, but here’s hoping – we could all use some breakneck thrash riffs in our lives.
“Road Warriors! We’re excited to extend our collaboration with M-Theory Audio to bring you the individual release of our first 4 albums during our time with Century Media Records on cassette!” wrote Warbringer on social media.
“Thank you all who supported the ‘Total War’ box-set that also included our two demos and two newest Napalm Records albums; those are collector’s items that will be out-of-print once the last few boxes are sold. Prepare yourselves as we’ll finally be entering the studio for album 7 Spring 2024!”
If you’ve somehow missed out on Warbringer for the past two-ish decades, check out one of their recent shows. It’s brutal.
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