Learn how to TAP into your true inner potential with the #1 female motivational speaker under 40, Natasha Graziano, whose upcoming book; Be It Until You Become It teaches us how to unleash our unlimited power within the YOUniverse.
Think carefully over the path that lies before you. Are you satisfied with what awaits? If not, what are you going to do? Are you hiding away from your true inner self? Or are you embracing every moment? The path to victory may be thorny. Yes, there may be disappointments, failures, and setbacks along the way, but to him, who sets his face towards the light, and keeps steadily moving onward with sore feet, is the one who will find success, accomplishment, and victory above all expectations.
If you are seeking to change your life, then this time, you must, you will, and you shall overcome every difficulty to achieve pure victory over your circumstances. It is time to gain complete control over your life. There must and shall be no failure. But how do we do this? Well, this time, you’re going to succeed by unleashing the power within you.
Our inner beast is way overdue to be released to the world, and we can recognize it by a vital force that tells us to get up and do it. It’s that voice in your head that tells you to believe; it’s the journey you have deep inside to achieve; it’s the fall down nine and getting back up ten times – that’s your inner beast, your passion and purpose that keeps you pushing through.
Nothing can stop you from standing in between you and the spear for greatness needed to make your successful transformation official. You’ve known you’ve had an inner power inside for so long. But may have chosen not to feed it. That seed planted within your inner soul, mind, and spirit has been patiently waiting – until now.
It’s time to harness your unlimited power and Be It Until You Become It. A new upcoming revolutionary book by Natasha Graziano, an influential visionary in ancient wisdom, who bridges her knowledge with neuroscience, is here to provide you with the secrets to success and a guide on how you can live your best life. Graziano is regarded as a prestigious thought leader who coaches millions to build robust networks, gain financial freedom and step into their business potential to live the life of their dreams.
Both a podcast host and top author following her first bestseller, The Action Plan, the powerhouse mindset coach Natasha Graziano is one to watch. When it comes to being a role model for methods that promote meditation and well-being, Graziano, the creator of the renowned MBS Method (Meditational Behavioural Synchronicity), is guaranteed to transform you to live and breathe a more remarkable life.
The book is unique in its continual crossovers between spirituality, belief systems, and business. “I embarked on my mission to not only tap into my unlimited human potential but to do it in a way that I could pass on the wisdom and help others to tap into their power,” says Graziano.
Become the version of your true authentic self desperately seeking to burst forth from your mind, soul, and heart. The book guides you through an exercise of self-exploration that stands high above any law of attraction book on the shelf as it brings together elements of ancient wisdom backed by true neuroscience.
“In the book, we show you through certain studies that this unlimited power is real. You can see a transformation in your brain; you can understand how it affects your biological makeup, your DNA,” explains Graziano. Each section inside the book is thoughtfully broken up into productive and thought-provoking chapters, containing exercises dedicated to activating your true potential and illuminating your path forward.
The interactive book helps anyone wishing to unlock their inner beast, get unstuck from limited belief systems, and become the most excellent version of who they are. Through certain studies discussed in the book, you will discover that the law of attraction is more compelling than you think. As Graziano explains, “it’s all energy – we are energy, and when you understand how to tap into that, you can have, be and do anything you want,”
Graziano’s knowledge has gained over 1 billion views. In contrast, her programs have helped over 1.5 million people transform their lives, making her one of the most respected names in her field online internationally. By tapping into her unlimited power, after overcoming numerous uphill battles in life, from divorce to near homelessness, Graziano could pull herself up and allow her passion for helping others see the light to soar.
By combining her knowledge and love for fashion, she also catalyzed her account within the fashion influencer community, building a social media empire over time that has reached beyond 10 million followers on Instagram alone.
Today Natasha Graziano is ranked as the nation’s #1 Mindset Coach and #1 female motivational speaker under 40 in the world by Forbes Magazine.
“Adversity is a necessary part of life, and how you perceive it could be the difference between an earthquake and a volcano,” shares Graziano. “Don’t wait under a table for your whole world to come crashing down. Be the volcano; ignite the lava within you.”
Be It Until You Become It is a reading guide and a go-to read that gives you the power to buy into yourself, elevating your life. The book allows you to enter this flow of pathfinding – a moment where you can discover “who I want to be, who I want to become, and how you have to be it to see it,” she shares.
These insights and exercises will fuel readers to grow, evolve, and expand into their highest version of self. If you want to change your life, let the book Be It Until You Become It guide you to greatness. Find out more when the book releases on August 2, 2022.